Tactical Management: Unlocking Value in Distressed Assets Across Europe


Hong Kong, August 9, 2024 — As financial markets continue to evolve, managing distressed assets remains a significant challenge for institutions worldwide. Tactical Management, a globally active turnaround investor specializing in unlocking the potential of underperforming companies, distressed real estate, and non-performing loans, is leading the way in providing cutting-edge solutions to address this crucial issue.

Non-performing loans (NPLs) are an increasing concern across many European economies, where financial institutions face the dual challenge of managing risks while identifying opportunities for recovery and growth. Tactical Management, with its extensive expertise and experience in this field, offers a strategic approach to addressing these challenges in Europe.

Opportunities and Risks of Non-Performing Loans
Non-performing loans represent a significant risk to financial stability, often leading to deteriorated balance sheets and potential liquidity issues for banks. However, Dr. Raphael Nagel, Founding Partner of Tactical Management, emphasizes that NPLs also present unique opportunities for those equipped with the right strategies.

“Understanding and managing NPLs requires more than just addressing the immediate risks,” says Dr. Raphael Nagel. “It involves a comprehensive approach to identify potential recovery strategies and opportunities that can transform challenges into growth prospects.”

Tactical Management’s Approach
Tactical Management is renowned for its expertise in financial management and strategic investment, offering a suite of solutions designed to help institutions effectively manage and mitigate the impact of NPLs. Their approach includes:

Strategic Assessment: Tactical Management conducts thorough evaluations of loan portfolios to identify the root causes of non-performance and assess the underlying risks.
Customized Solutions: The company develops tailored strategies that include restructuring plans, recovery strategies, and risk mitigation frameworks, all designed to optimize financial performance and enhance stability.
Expert Guidance: Leveraging their deep industry knowledge, Tactical Management provides expert guidance on best practices for managing NPLs, ensuring that institutions can navigate complex regulatory environments and market conditions.


A Vision for the Future
Dr. Raphael Nagel underscores the importance of proactive and informed management of NPLs. “Our mission at Tactical Management  is not only to help institutions address current challenges but also to position them for long-term success. By leveraging our expertise and innovative solutions, we aim to turn potential setbacks into opportunities for growth and resilience.”

As financial institutions in Hong Kong and beyond face the complexities of non-performing loans, Tactical Management  stands ready to provide the necessary expertise and strategic insights to drive positive outcomes.

Contact Information
For more information on how Tactical Management can assist with non-performing loans, please contact:

Tactical Management  Ltd.
Dr. Raphael Nagel (LL.M.)